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Welcome to Vondriska Leisure Consultants, LLC

Vondriska Leisure Consultants, LLC ("VLC") was established in May 2007 to provide affordable consultation services to the amusement and leisure industry. VLC believes there is a need for affordable consulting services to the small and mid-size family entertainment centers, amusement parks, theme park, water parks, zoos and aquariums.

Amusement and Leisure
Product/Service Information

Family Entertainment Centers

Theme Parks

Amusement Parks


Adventure Parks




Kataplum, Mexico City, Mexico

Santiago, Chile

Playland, Rye, NY

Maze Quest Fun Park
New Park, PA

Parque Diversiones
San José, Costa Rica

Fantasilandia, Santiago, Chile

Latest Safety Article:
Fire Prevention - November 23rd, 2024
Fire can destroy your job, your income and even your life.  Fires can be prevented.  It's a fact that poor housekeeping, poor judgment, carelessness, ignorance and failure to follow instructions cause most fires.
·      Fire prevention is everybody's job.
·      Don't be a litterbug.
·      Don't smoke in "No Smoking" areas.
It's your job to see that you and your co-workers don't become litterbugs.  Litter that piles up becomes a fire hazard.  Throwing trash and litter under and around equipment is an act of poor housekeeping.  It also causes many fires.
Hazardous materials are another source for fires to start.
·      A leaking drum of oil can be a real fire hazard if you don't take proper precaution.
·      Keep hazardous material in a designated area.
If you respect hazardous materials, the chances of fire, spills and accidents are greatly reduced.
If a fire or emergency occurs, DO NOT PANIC -- KEEP CALM -- follow established procedures.
·      Know where fire extinguishers are located.
·      Always aim the extinguisher or hose at the base of the fire and remember: don't exhaust your extinguisher before you get to the fire.
·      Keep low, out of the heat and make sure you always have a clear path to safety.  Your life comes first.
Know which extinguishers are to be used for different types of fires.
Class A Extinguishers will put out fires in ordinary combustibles, such as wood and paper. The numerical rating for this class of fire extinguisher refers to the amount of water the fire extinguisher holds and the amount of fire it will extinguish. 
Class B Extinguishers should be used on fires involving flammable liquids, such as grease, gasoline, oil, etc. The numerical rating for this class of fire extinguisher states the approximate number of square feet of a flammable liquid fire that a non-expert person can expect to extinguish.
Class C Extinguishers are suitable for use on electrically energized fires. This class of fire extinguishers does not have a numerical rating. The presence of the letter “C” indicates that the extinguishing agent is non-conductive.
Class D Extinguishers are designed for use on flammable metals and are often specific for the type of metal in question. There is no picture designator for Class D extinguishers. These extinguishers generally have no rating nor are they given a multi-purpose rating for use on other types of fires.
Class K Extinguishers Dry and wet chemical extinguishers for kitchen fires. Due to the higher heating rates of vegetable oils in commercial cooking appliances NFPA 10, Portable Fire Extinguishers, now includes a Class K rating for kitchen fires extinguishers which are now required to be installed in all applicable restaurant kitchens. Once a fire starts in a deep fryer, it cannot always be extinguished by traditional range hoods or Class B extinguishers.
Multi-class rating Many extinguishers available today can be used on different types of fires and will be labeled with more than one designator, e.g. A-B, B-C, or A-B-C. Make sure that if you have a multi-purpose extinguisher it is properly labeled.
Check the extinguishers regularly.  Are they the proper types?  
Inspection Checklist In accordance with NFPA 10
Monthly Service
·                        Inspection of cylinder for physical damage or tampering 
·                        Check gauge for correct cylinder pressure 
·                        Inspection of nozzle, valve and hose assemblies 
·                        Check for broken or missing seals and pull rings 
·                        Note all hydrostatic test and 6-year dates 
·                        Record of all necessary corrective actions 
·                        List type of service required for the next year.
Annual Service
Annual service is intended to give maximum assurance that the extinguisher will operate safely and effectively. It includes all topics covered in our inspection, and any necessary repair, replacement and/or testing. A tag is securely fastened identifying the service technician having performed the service.
6-Year Maintenance
Stored pressure extinguishers must be emptied and put through a full internal inspection and appropriate maintenance procedures, every six years from the manufacture date. Including a thorough examination of all mechanical parts, extinguishing agent and expellant. A label marking the 6 year inspection is placed on the extinguisher.
Hydrostatic Testing
Periodic test mandated by NFPA requiring highly specialized test equipment to ensure the integrity of an extinguisher or cylinder at its listed operating pressure. Dry chemical, Halon and other clean agent extinguishers are to be hydro tested at 12 year intervals. High-pressure carbon dioxide extinguishers are to be tested at 5 year intervals. Once these extinguisher have gone through the 12 year hydro testing a special label is placed on the extinguisher showing the year of the test.
The following checklist is a good place to begin practicing good fire prevention.
·      Trash and litter - no unnecessary accumulation.
·      Housekeeping - keep equipment and back areas neat and clean.
·      Fire extinguishers - well marked, the correct types for their location, inspection up to date and all employees trained on how to use them.
·      Hazardous materials -- stored in designated areas in proper containers.
·      Exits-- unobstructed.
·      Wiring -- good connections and good grounding.
·      Smoking --only in designated areas.
·      Equipment-- keep clean and use properly.
·      Flammable materials --handle with care.
·      Evacuation plans-- practice--know your responsibility.

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Latest News:
Vondriska Leisure Consultants signs contract to provide Safety Audit for Playland, Rye, NY - June 1st, 2024
Vondriska Leisure Consultants LLC (“VLC”) will provide to Westchester County Department of Parks, Recreation & Conservation a Maintenance and Safety Review of Amusement Maintenance and Ride Operations For Playland Park, Rye, New York. The safety review will include the following:

Vondriska Leisure Consultants will also be available for additional visits as needed and requested by Westchester County Parks Department.
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